Why should you buy Girl Scout Cookies this year? Because assholes don’t want you to.

Mark your calendars for Feb. 13.  That’s the day Girl Scout cookies start showing up in the hands of adorable uniformed girls and on tables in front of Safeway.

A girl named Taylor, living somewhere in California, doesn’t want you to buy any.  She, and a whole hot mess of other bigots, have started a campaign against cookies because of the Girl Scouts USA’s stance on the inclusion of transgendered girls.  It all started when the Girl Scouts of Colorado issued a statement about why they were accepting Bobby Montoya, a transgendered 7-year-old, into the organization.

“We accept all girls in kindergarten through 12th grade as members. If a child identifies as a girl and the child’s family presents her as a girl, Girl Scouts of Colorado welcomes her as a Girl Scout.”

Taylor doesn’t like this one bit.  She is petrified that some 18-year-old man is going to say he’s a girl in order to sneak into her tent and steal her special sash with the award-winning Fire Building badge.

Here’s her frightening video:

Update:  The video has been made private.  Sorry if you missed it.  You can still read the ignorance here.

What a great reason to buy a shit-ton of Thin Mints.

13 responses to “Why should you buy Girl Scout Cookies this year? Because assholes don’t want you to.

  1. Wow, I get all my cookies for free. ( I have connections) However, after enduring this girl’s video, I am inclined to buy my shit-ton of cookies.

    Oh, and for the record, she disconnected with me.

  2. Thin mints are the only way to go. I’m buying a box for each of my neighbors.

    Could this be a secret Girl Scout marketing plan to boost sales?

  3. Girl Scouts and Brownies unite! We’re in for Thin Mints, Lemonades, Do-si-dos, Samoas, and Tagalongs. Calories and svelte figures be damned. 27 days ’til Girl Scout cookie justice begins. Where’s Norma Rae and Erin Brockovich when you need them? This is a travesty.

  4. Just found out this girl is from my homeland. She is from Ventura, CA. Nine miles from my hometown. How sad.

  5. We should pool our orders like a co-op (or thru the co-op?) and have them shipped by the case from Bobby. Let her know that things do get better. Whaddya think?

    • I think that’s a great idea! Unfortunately, I’ve already bought my shit-ton of thin mints (and a few samoas for good measure,) but I fully support your effort.

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